Vincent's blog

PicPerf with WordPress

I recently tested PicPerf on a WordPress website that had many unoptimized images loaded from a CRM system. Instead of creating a custom solution, I opted for PicPerf, a modern drop-in image optimization service. PicPerf automatically converts and optimizes images into smaller formats like WebP, caches them, and serves them closer to the user. I have already noticed significant improvements in loading times and reduced bandwidth usage.

Here is a snippet to integrate PicPerf with all images loaded through WordPress.

add_filter('wp_get_attachment_image_src', function (array|false $image) {
    if ($image && wp_get_environment_type() === 'production') {
        $image[0] = '' . $image[0];

    return $image;

Here's another snippet to add PicPerf to srcset URLs.

add_filter('wp_calculate_image_srcset', function (array $sources) {
    foreach ($sources as &$source) {
        if (wp_get_environment_type() === 'production') {
            $source['url'] = '' . $source['url'];

    return $sources;
